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Nano Power Package - KZ Korallen-Zucht


With so many different additives available Korallen-Zucht packaged their most popular additives in a Power Package. The additives included will result in better coral growth, coloration, as well as increased water clarity and sponge growth. Using the power package is a great introduction to the Korallen-Zucht ZEOvit system, at an even better price.

ZEOvit Nano Power Package contains 10mL bottles of:

  • Coral Vitalizer
  • Pohl’s Xtra
  • Amino Acid Concentrate LPS
  • Sponge Power

Coral Vitalizer

High quality nourishment for corals. This is the most balanced coral food and will not add phosphate or nitrates to your water. Visible reaction can be seen within minutes upon addition to the reef. Noticeable improvements to color, polyp extension and overall health will be peak within ten days.

Phol's Xtra
A supplemental additive that significantly improves growth, color, and vibrancy of corals. Routine dosing of Phol's Xtra will have long term benefits that also include improved water clarity, increased robustness and coral health.

Amino Acid Concentrate LPS
A revised blend of amino acids formulated specifically to target the needs of LPS and soft corals. Regular use will result in increased color, vitality and growth.

Sponge Power
Sponge power is a specially formulated food for sponges, bivalves and tunicates. Routine dosing will enhance the growth of these animals, which will have a net effect of supporting their water filtering characteristics and thus improve water quality significantly. Additional benefits include longer growth tips in SPS corals, enhanced colors and improved coral tissue damage recovery.

Nano Power Package - KZ Korallen-Zucht

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